Monday, November 21, 2011

Fired Up 5k- Nov. 2011

Yesterday Matthew and I skipped out on church to run in the Fired Up 5K.  I was worried that I wouldn't be able to run.  Stupid asthma and allergies have been out of control lately.  I don't complain about my asthma when its my fault that its bad (not taking my meds, hanging out in smokey places, playing with animals I shouldn't...)  but this time it was not my fault.  All day Friday and Saturday I was using my nebulizer every 4 hours, taking allergy/sinus medicine every 6 hours, and using my sinus rinse (nedi pot on steroids) every other hour.  Nothing was helping.  I finally decided to bust out the big steroids Saturday night (predinose and the liquid albuterol that I take 1/2 tsp of) and I'm glad I did!  I was actually breathing like a normal person on Sunday morning.

I made the mistake of assuming it would be chilly in the morning, I mean it was November 20.  So I didn't do laundry and all of my shorts were dirty so I wore my capris.  Bad idea.  It was in the low 70's with 90% humidity.  Crazy Texas weather.  I will never get used to Texas weather. 

During the run, the first two miles I ran a 10:07 mile but that last mile was a killer.  It started to sprinkle but the humidity was really bad and I had to walk a minute and ran a lot slower, about an 11:15 min mile.  I finished strong and I was able to sprint on the last leg through the finish line.  I finished in 32 min 20 sec.  I was hoping to finish faster than 31 minutes but the weather plus the asthma didn't help out.    Matthew finished in about 37 minutes.  I'm proud of him.  He really didn't want to join the running club but he did (and he likes it) and he really didn't want to wake up so early Sunday, and he definitely did not want to run in 90% humidity but he did.  He was able to run the entire time.  Way to go Matthew!

We stayed for awards hoping we would win a 5 day trip for four to Hawaii but we didn't win.  The only other awards they were giving out were for the winners for all of the age groups.  We definitely weren't winners.  How in the world can people finish 3.1 miles in less than 20 minutes?  It blows my mind.    There was was 92 year old woman that one for her age division  :)

I want my next class to be a half marathon class but right now all of them start at 5:15am on Tuesday and Thursdays and I would be late to work twice a week and that won't work out.  My next class is just going to focus on more speed work and building up miles.  Hopefully RunOn will get tired of me asking when they'll have an evening half marathon class and decided to get one going soon!

My 2nd Running Class

After the first week of my first running class I knew I was hooked and would be joining another one.  I signed up for my second RunOn! 101 class and had my doctor sign the note again.  Even hubby agreed to give this running class a try. This time for the Magic Mile my time was 9 minutes 26 seconds.  What the heck?!?!  I shaved off more than an entire minute from the first time!  Coach Elizabeth was proud! Oh, and I also ran with my "slow buddy" Kate.  Yay!  I was glad we would be in the same group again.  I have really enjoyed getting to know her and becoming running buddies.  Some of our fellow runners quit while 3 others joined the 8 mile class!  I'm super proud of them and I miss them but I knew I wasn't ready to up my milage yet.  We managed to get the same coach as last time.  Coach Elizabeth is so great.  Matthew couldn't make it to the Magic Mile so they put him with the other group with Coach Dan.
In our group was a really tall lady who had never run before, the rest of us are around my height, 5'2  (except for Kate who is a little taller).  Well, new lady ran FAST!!  The first night I thought I would be bumped to the other group but Coach didn't kick me out just yet.  I was able to keep up, I was glad for the challenge.  This time around we worked on more speed work and continued to work on hills.  Boo.  :)  The goal for this class was the Turkey Trot but since Matthew and I don't get out of our PJ's on thanksgiving we decided to race early at the Fired Up 5k.
Tuesday is my last day for this running class and I'm a little sad about it.  What am I going to do every Tuesday and Thursday night?  Who's going to ask me about my Wednesday run or my Saturday long run?

Mary Kay 5K- Oct 2011

On October 1 my the RunOn! 101 groups met up at my mecca, I mean, the Mary Kay building for the Mary Kay 5k.  It was COLD that morning!  We were used to running in the upper 90's but that day it was in the low 70's.  Right now the 70's is the perfect temperature but when you're used to upper 90's nearly 30 degrees difference is a lot!  I got there bright and early and waited for my fellow runners to join me.  Kate, my "slow buddy", coach, and I all ran together.  Kate and I really struggled with pacing ourselves so our coach was there to help us out.  My goal for this race was to run the entire time except for walking at the water stations.  I met my goal!!  I was so proud of myself!  I was even able to run faster than my buddies.  I left them in the dust towards the end.  I finished right at 35 minutes. I thought I worked hard enough but when I go to class on Tuesday night the coach asked if I was sore and I said no and she said that I could have gone faster.  The nerve of that woman!  :)  The Mary Kay race was such a great race.  It wasn't that crowded because some of the bigger Race for the Cure races were going on.  The location was just down the road from me and the prizes were really great!  3 people in our group won prizes!  I will definitely be running in this one next year.

Joining a Running Class

I'm so glad that I stayed and talked to the people at the RunOn! tent at the Melon Dash.  They encouraged me to think about joining a class.  I went to the store and mentioned some of my health problems to one of the workers and she told me about her heart problems and how she started running as an adult because of the RunOn! classes.  I signed up for the class and since I answered yes to any of the health questions I had to get a written note from my doctor.  (I actually answered yes to 8 of the questions).
In August I started my first class at RunOn!  The first night we do the "Magic Mile" to place us in the right group.  I ran the mile in 10 min 46 seconds.  I was actually proud of that.  I was really nervous.  I thought most people would finish in less that 8 or 9 minutes.  I was in the middle of the pack.  There were people that were much faster and some that were slower.  They put me in the the "faster" 101 group.  I had a lot of fun getting to run with the group every Tuesday and Thursday and sometimes Saturdays!  I learned a lot about stretching, diet, clothes, products, and first half marathons and marathons.  I also made some great friends, one of which is my "slow buddy" Kate.  We were always at the back of the pack but we thought that was our job, to make sure no one was left behind.  Our goal for this class was the Mary Kay 5k.

Melon Dash- Aug, 2011

I had surgery in early May and I literally couldn't do anything for a good 6-8 weeks.  Once I got the go-ahead from my doctor that I could exercise I signed up for the Melon Dash 5K with my friend.  Well, the hottest summer on record plus the fact that I was still sore from the surgery plus the fact that I was already out of shape = me not wanting to train for this at all, so I kind of didn't.  I figured it would be okay because I knew my friend would be taking this race slow.  I got to the race, tried to call me friend but no answer or text back.  She decided not to do the race.  I was a little upset, lonely, and I thought about leaving before everything started but I'm no quitter.  The race started and I ran at least the first 1.5 miles.  After that I was exhausted and had to run a few minutes, walk a min.   I did that for literally the rest of the time.  The race was beautiful, downtown McKinney with the old house, big trees, small town feel, etc... but boy was it HOT and I was so thankful when I finished the race.  I didn't even bother looking at the time.  I was just glad I wasn't last or died of heat stroke.  I hung around for a little bit and went to see what kind of vendors were there.  That's when I met the nicest people from RunOn!.
I just looked at the results and I finished the race in 44 minutes.  Yikes.  That's embarrassing but at least I went, started, and finished.

My First Race

My first 5K was the St. Paddy's Dash Down Greenville in March 2011.  My training consisted of run/walking for about 30 minutes whenever I felt like it.  There were a ton of people there, about 7000 ran in the race.  It really isn't a race if you want to PR.  I don't remember the exact time but I knot it took about about 40 minutes to finish.  It wouldn't have taken that long if we had gotten there earlier or if there had been less people.  We got there late so we were at the back of the back and we were pretty much forced to walk the first mile.
The race was pretty uneventful.  I was disappointed that it took so long for me to finish.

Why Run?

I enjoy working out, really, I do.  I've always had gym memberships and I enjoyed lifting weights and the spinning classes.   If I couldn't make it to a spin class during the week I wouldn't go to the gym.  I would just spend several hours on Saturday's and Sunday's.  I really didn't have a workout routine, I only went when it was convenient.  I have a pretty decent drive to work so when school started I could never make it to the gym on time for spinning so I never went.  I decided to stop my membership since I would only go a couple of times a month.  My doctor always preaches about how important it is for me to stay in a consistent exercise routine and I hate disappointing my doctor.  I know that he would not be happy if he new I only worked out on the weekends.
I love being outside and I have always been amazed at runners.  (I think it started when I was in 6th grade and I had to write a paper about Jackie Joyner Kersee).  How cool is it that a long distance runner can run anywhere in the world?  I love watching people run the short fast races but also the marathons.  It just seems like something that should be impossible to do.  After telling friends and family that I want to try to be a runner (obviously not one that wins races, just one that finishes races) a lot of them would say things like "You can't run outside" or "ok, yeah, um good luck with that."  Don't tell me I can't do it. That's a challenge to me.  So now I'm determined to be a runner.

The Start of Something New

Hi!  Thanks for stopping by!  I've created this blog to log my progress on my running and my health.  Hopefully it can be a place where ideas can be shared on what works or doesn't work when it comes to dealing with asthma, as well as a celebration for things that I have accomplished when people told me I wouldn't be able to do it.  I have severe asthma, not exercised induced or allergy induced just asthma all the time.  I have had severe asthma my entire life and it didn't go away with age.  It didn't get any better at all actually.  Anything can set my allergies and asthma off--PMS, changes in the weather, pollen, grass, stress, animals, smoke, perfume.  You name it and I guarantee I will have a reaction to it.    Also, at the age of 23, I was diagnosed with a minor heart condition that causes me to pass out.  I haven't had an episode in nearly two years so hopefully my cardiologist was right when he said I would probably out grow it.

My current medications are:
-Loestrin- to keep me from getting preggars and it also helps out my asthma during that time of month
-Estrogen-crazy reaction from all of my asthma/allergy medicines have caused me to need it
-Advair-I was on 500/50 for many many years, a year ago my doctor changed me to the 250/50, and now I'm on 100/50.  Yay!
-Astepro-more on an as needed basis but sometimes I have to use it regularly
-Allergy shots- once a month
-Xolair Shots (my miracle drug) three shots every other week.
And of course my inhaler, albuterol for the nebulizer, and albuterol liquid when nothing else will work

Someday maybe only xolair and allergy shots will be the only thing I have to take.